Sağlıklı Olmak İcin Neler Yapmalıyız İngilizce

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Sağlıklı Olmak İcin Neler Yapmalıyız İngilizce
Sağlıklı Olmak İcin Neler Yapabiliriz İngilizce

Regular bathing should be
Have short and clean fingernails and toenails have to be careful
Wash hands before eating
To brush teeth after meals and especially before bedtime
Body for our health;
What Must We Do to Be yapmalıSağlıklı sports regularly? beslenmeliyiz healthy and balanced
Be sure to regularly etmeliSağlıklı sleep, what should we do? We have to leave early to bed early
Yaptırmalıyız Aşılarımızı
Wash fruits and vegetables before eating them with plenty of water We should note that the food is clean
Icmemeliyiz Terliyken water
Yememeliyiz foods sold in the open
Abstain from harmful substances such as cigarettes and alcohol
Must not use any medication without the consent of mother and fathers
